Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities <p><strong>Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(PSSH)</strong>&nbsp;is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo four times a year.&nbsp;<strong>Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(PSSH)</strong>&nbsp;provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.&nbsp;<strong>Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(PSSH)</strong>&nbsp;aims is to provide a place for academics and practitioners to publish original research and review articles. The articles basically contains any topics concerning in Social science.&nbsp;<strong>Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(PSSH)</strong> is available in online version. Language used in this Proceeding series is English.</p> en-US (Editor) (Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Profile Of Reading Comprehension Ability In Students <p><em>One of the important skills for a student is reading. Reading is a window to the world, where by reading students will be able to understand and analyze information and expand their knowledge horizons. This research aims to see a picture of reading comprehension abilities in undergraduate students. The approach taken is quantitative descriptive. The method used is a test, namely reading speed and reading comprehension. The research population was undergraduate psychology students with a sample size of 138. The sampling technique was random sampling using the NIM of undergraduate students. The data analysis technique is descriptive statistics using Jamovi. Based on data analysis, the results showed that in general the reading speed of undergraduate students tended to be slow with an average speed of 131 Kpm as much as 75.4%. The level of understanding of reading content is in the low category, namely with an average PI% value of 45.7 as much as 92%. In general, it can be said that the reading comprehension ability of undergraduate students still tends to be low with an average of 77.8 Kpm with a reading comprehension of 49.1%. This means that undergraduate students' reading comprehension is less than 70% of 350 Kpm. For other researchers who are interested in the same theme, they can find effective interventions to improve undergraduate students' reading comprehension abilities.</em></p> Anggraeni Swastika Sari, Nuraini Kusumaningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 Anggraeni Swastika Sari, Nuraini Kusumaningtyas Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:14:34 +0000 The Role of Extracurricular, Co-curricular, and Curricular Activities in the Development of Talent Interests of Elementary School Students <p><em>This article reviews the role of extracurricular, co-curricular, and curricular activities in supporting the development of students' interests and talents at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Gempol. The development of students' interests and talents is considered to play an important role in shaping their character and developing their academic abilities. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with observation, interview and data collection methods. This article is assembled based on a literature review as well as data analysis to find out the results of these activities contributing to the development of students' interests and talents.</em></p> Riza Alifia Herdianti, Savina Aqila Zahra, Novita Firdausi, Nurul Zhafira, Machful Indra Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Riza Alifia Herdianti, Savina Aqila Zahra, Novita Firdausi, Nurul Zhafira, Machful Indra Kurniawan Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:14:54 +0000 The Role of Habituation in Instilling Religious Values in Elementary Students <p><em>Building religious character among elementary school students is a crucial component in the world of education, which can be the foundation for their daily actions and behaviors. In view of this, SD Muhammadiyah 1 Gempol applies the habituation of religious activities in shaping students' religious character. This study aims to examine more concrete strategies in instilling religious values in elementary school students, one of which is using the habituation method. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Where data collection is done through interviews, observation, and documentation as well as reviewing previous articles relevant to this research. The subjects in this study were students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Gempol. The results of this study only describe in-depth interviews and observations that have been conducted on research subjects so as to provide a clear picture of the implementation of religious character education through habituation methods. The results of the research at SD Muhammadiyah showed success in increasing the religious value of students carried out through habituation of morning apple activities by reading short letters, asmaul husna, and Muhammadiyah student&nbsp;promises.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Machful Indra Kurniawan, Khoirun Nisa, Alivia Nur Amanillah, Aprilia Manunggal Putri Al Khoirul, Syfaul Hudiyah, Hidayatul Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2024 Machful Indra Kurniawan, Khoirun Nisa, Alivia Nur Amanillah, Aprilia Manunggal Putri Al Khoirul, Syfaul Hudiyah, Hidayatul Munawaroh Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:22:20 +0000 Strengthening Religious Character and Student Discipline Through Habituation in Muhammadiyah Elementary School <p><em>This study aims to determine teachers' efforts in strengthening students' religious character and discipline through habituation at Muhammadiyah Elementary School. This qualitative research uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subject of this research is students in one of the Sidoarjo Elementary Schools. This research discusses strengthening character, which is important in shaping religious character and discipline through an effective approach. Efforts were made to strengthen religious character by memorizing short letters of hadiths and performing dhuha prayers in the congregation. The efforts made to strengthen the character of discipline are through habituation activities at school in the form of obeying the rules or regulations in the school.</em></p> Mohammad Faizal Amir, Dwi Silvi Atuszahroh, Ayu Nur Roudhotul Jannah, Zulfiya Faradina, Mohammad Fanani, Yerrys Mardiyansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Faizal Amir, Dwi Silvi Atuszahroh, Ayu Nur Roudhotul Jannah, Zulfiya Faradina, Mohammad Fanani, Yerrys Mardiyansyah Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:31:35 +0000 Understanding of Comparison Degree Through Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model: A Brief Report of Qualitative Research <p>The purpose of this research is to analyse the steps of teacher in using jigsaw cooperative learning model in increasing students understanding of comparison degree material. This research was conducted using qualitative method through observation of classroom learning activities in one of Muhammadiyah high schools in Sidoarjo. The participants in this study were one English teacher and 17 students of class X-5. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively to find out the behavior and activities of students in the classroom, as well as to analyze the effective learning steps taken by the teacher to help students learn English, Especially on comparison degree material. The jigsaw type cooperative learning model can effectively improve students ability to understand comparison degree material in English learning. This mode not only improves students understanding of the material, but also develops their social and communication skills. Thus, the use of jigsaw model can be considered as one of the effective learning strategies in English teaching.</p> Yuli Astutik, Ayu Grahita Albarika, Farah Nabila Wibisono, Katarina Sarabiti Teluma Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Astutik, Ayu Grahita Albarika, Farah Nabila Wibisono, Katarina Sarabiti Teluma Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:38:09 +0000 The Level of Authentic Followership in Madurese Public Organizations <p><em>Authentic followership is a research topic that is starting to be widely researched in the field of organizational behavior. This research aims to determine the level of authentic followership among members of public organizations in Madura. The method used is descriptive quantitative research. The scale used in this research is the authentic followership scale by Leroy. The participants in this research were 413 state civil servants who worked in various government agencies in Madura. The research results revealed that the majority of respondents (75%) were in the medium category. The remainder were classified as high (14%) and low (11%). These results can be used as a reference for further research discussing authentic followership.</em></p> Triyo Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Triyo Utomo Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:42:20 +0000 Trends in The Percentage of Primary School Students Accessing The Internet in Yogyakarta Province (As an Analysis of The Current State of Learning) <p><em>This study is a trend analysis of data on the percentage of primary school students who access the internet in Yogyakarta. The data is obtained from BPS-RI in the Education Statistics book which is published annually. Trend analysis was conducted for data from 2006 to 2023. The purpose of this research is to explore and examine more deeply the current state of learning. The research method used was explanatory sequential. The data has a general increasing trend. However, in 2022 and 2023 there was a decrease. The increase from 2016 is assumed to be due to easier and more internet facilities. After many people understand the shortcomings of online learning, blended learning was initiated which combines in-person learning and online learning. So that the prediction in 2024 the percentage value will increase again. </em></p> Moh Rosyid Mahmudi, Baiq Niswatul Khair, Haryanto Haryanto, Fery Muhammad Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Rosyid Mahmudi, Baiq Niswatul Khair, Haryanto Haryanto, Fery Muhammad Firdaus Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:49:32 +0000 Understanding the Uniqueness of Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: A Case Study <p><em>This clinical case study explores the uniqueness of the case and the challenges of diagnosis in a hebephrenic schizophrenia patient at RSJ X Malang. The subject was a 32-year-old woman with a history of aggressive and erratic behaviour, assessed over a period of 2 weeks through comprehensive psychological assessment, namely autoanamnesis, alloanamnesis, and daily observation. The methodology used was qualitative methodology with a case study approach to find out the uniqueness of the case in depth. This study identifies the psychopathological features and challenges of patients with hebephrenic schizophrenia. The subject exhibited typical symptoms of hebephrenic schizophrenia, onset of the disorder between the ages of 15-25 years and disorganisation in thought processes. In addition, the subject fulfils the main diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia, namely the presence of thought eco, disconnected thought flow, and dull emotions. Delusions and hallucinations were not apparent during the examination. This case is expected to provide insight into the complexity of the disorder, especially the challenges faced in subjects with hebephrenic schizophrenia so that it can be a useful input for the subject's support system.</em></p> Layyina Sadira, Qurrota A’yuni Fitriana Copyright (c) 2024 Layyina Sadira, Qurrota A’yuni Fitriana Fri, 19 Jul 2024 02:58:08 +0000 School Strategy for Preparing Kindegarten Transitional Children to Elementary School <p><em>The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a crucial period in a child's educational development. The learning environment provided during this phase plays an important role in supporting adaptation, social-emotional development and academic skills. The aim of the study was to explore the role of the environment in the ECD to primary school transition. This study describes the perspectives and practices of mothers about elementary school readiness in the area of Darussalam kindergarten temple the purpose of the observation is to do the field introduction article of the school and to get information about various concepts and habits of school discipline and transition and get insight from various regulations related to the priority of preparation for elementary school, we as researchers collect with qualitative data first by observation and conducting questions and answers during the week The results of the observation show that the disciplinary policy affects school readiness and transition in the field the results of this study also provide little input on the concept of school readiness by paying attention to educators' beliefs about child development (school readiness and transition).</em></p> Hanum Alfitrah Maharani, Sya’bania Laila Nabila, Gitsa Zahrotun Nisa, Roisah Adiliah Amarta Copyright (c) 2024 Hanum Alfitrah Maharani, Sya’bania Laila Nabila, Gitsa Zahrotun Nisa, Roisah Adiliah Amarta Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Interactive E-Module Development on Temperature Matter for Junior class VII <p>This article discusses the development of an interactive e-module on temperature-related topics for 7th-grade junior high school students, aiming to enhance their learning skills. Employing the 4D development model (Define,Design, Develop, Disseminate), the research focuses on optimizing technology's role in education, motivating students to actively engage in learning, and facilitating easy access for independent learning. The developmental process involves defining needs, designing solutions, implementing them, and disseminating the final product. The resulting e-module, accessible online, incorporates multimedia features, quizzes, and interactive elements to increase student engagement with temperature-related concepts. Expert validation indicates a high level of validity, affirming the effectiveness of the e-module as a learning tool. The conclusion emphasizes the innovative role of e-modules in enriching students' learning experiences and boosting their interest in temperature-related subjects within the school environment.</p> Nurul Hidayah, Thoha Firdaus, Arini Rosa Sinensis Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Hidayah, Thoha Firdaus, Arini Rosa Sinensis Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:16:16 +0000 IT-Based Learning System for TKJ Subjects in Vocational Schools <p>This research aims to determine the application of IT-based learning at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Taman in improving the quality of learning in the field of Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ). This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data obtained through observation, interviews and document study. The results of the research show that Muhammadiyah 1 Taman Vocational School implements IT-based learning with various strategies, namely: Implementation of the Independent Curriculum which gives students freedom in choosing learning materials. TKJ, Utilization of digital learning media such as video, animation, and simulation, Use of online platforms to provide learning materials, assignments, and assessment of student learning outcomes, Application of group learning, Development of educator competency through training and workshops, Implementation of these strategies shows SMK's commitment Muhammadiyah 1 Taman in improving the quality of learning in the TKJ field in the digital era. The efforts made by SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Taman should be appreciated and can be an inspiration for other schools in improving the quality of learning in the TKJ field in the digital era.</p> Cindy Cahyaning, Nur Azizah, Muhammad Aziz Rohmatulloh, Julian Rafly Reynendra, M. Fikri Pratama, Farhan Nuruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Cahyaning, Nur Azizah, Muhammad Aziz Rohmatulloh, Julian Rafly Reynendra, M. Fikri Pratama, Farhan Nuruddin Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:18:27 +0000 Learning Quantum Physics: An Effort to Overcome the Difficulties of Changing Concepts in Atomic Model Materials <p>The study of quantum physics becomes more difficult because of the concept of classical physics that has been firmly embedded in the student's cognitive system. The material of the atomic model is one of the key materials in understanding quantum physics where there is a paradigm of thinking from classical physics to quantum physics. This study aims to produce step of atomic model learning to form the concept of quantum physics is right on students through literature analysis method. Questions about the cognitive theory of concepts become the main reference in the design of the steps (syntax) of learning the atomic model.</p> F. Putra, L. Mardova Copyright (c) 2024 F. Putra, L. Mardova Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:19:55 +0000 Implementation Of The School’s Vision And Mission to Learners through Habituation of School Culture <p>This study aims to describe the Application of the School's Vision and Mission to Learners through Habituation of School Culture. This research uses descriptive methods with qualitative research in the form of direct observation conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 5 Porong, Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency with the research subject of students at the Elementary School. The results of this study include the existence of positive habituation practices where positive habituation practices are one way to implement school culture, the existence of ceremonial activities that are usually carried out in the school environment. Development of School Rules and Regulations by establishing school rules and regulations with the aim of having a positive impact on students or school residents. Through the socialization of the vision and mission of coaching the school culture will be easier to run, Extracurricular Activities, Culture and Character Development Development of national character. Building open communication between students and teachers, Identifying Values and Principles, Rewarding Achievements and Positive Behavior of students, Developing positive Character and Ethics.&nbsp;</p> Ahmad Nurefendi Fradana, Galuh Nela Ananta, Pramesti Sintia Annabila, Shintia Dwi Puspita Sari, Fani Rizkia Nuraimy, Deva Amirotul Khusnah Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Nurefendi Fradana, Galuh Nela Ananta, Pramesti Sintia Annabila, Shintia Dwi Puspita Sari, Fani Rizkia Nuraimy, Deva Amirotul Khusnah Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:22:25 +0000 Learner Characteristics to Form Character Development and Skills in Positive Habits <p>The research aims to determine the practice of positive habits in regulating student characteristics to form good character development and skills. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The results of this research are that positive habit formation activities have a significant impact on the formation of student characteristics. The results of this research support various theories in learning and developmental psychology which show that behavior and personality can be shaped through consistent practice and reinforcement. By carrying out systematic and sustainable positive habit formation activities, schools can help students develop positive characters that are important for academic success and everyday life. The implication of these findings is that schools and educators need to be committed to creating an environment that supports student character development through various well-designed programs and activities.</p> Atira Diyah Pangesti, Kamila Fithrotuzzahra, Rahmania Sri Untari Copyright (c) 2024 Atira Diyah Pangesti, Kamila Fithrotuzzahra, Rahmania Sri Untari Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:33:37 +0000 Image of Jamu Madura Differences Review From Respondents Experience <p>This study to see the differences in the image of madurai was reviewed from the experience of respondents. This is a quantitatif research. The sample collection in this study is purposive sampling, the criterion of respondents is respondents know about Madura, respondents have never/never consumed Madura. Respondents of adult age, the respondents are from two countries namely Malaysia and Indonesia. data collection using the ordinal scale of Likert. Data analysis techniques use the help of SPSS applications using T-Test tests as static tests for the proof of hypotheses. The results showed a t value of -5,852 with a significance of 0,00 (0,05) meaning that there was a significant difference in the image of Madura's juice reviewed from the respondent's experience. Experience respondents who have consumed Madura spices have a positive image and, on the contrary, respondents that have never consumed madura spice have a negative image.</p> Netty Herawati, Nailur Rohmah, Fonny D. Hutagalung Copyright (c) 2024 Netty Herawati, Nailur Rohmah, Fonny D. Hutagalung Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:34:47 +0000 The Effect of Using Augmented Reality to Lower Anxiety in Phobia Patients <p>Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a promising technology in the mental health field with the potential to change the approach to the management of anxiety disorders, including phobias. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of AR therapy in reducing anxiety levels in phobia sufferers, with a focus on patients' experiences and responses to this technology. The research method used was an experimental study with a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design, involving two groups of participants: an experimental group that received AR therapy and a control group that did not receive the intervention or received conventional therapy. Measurements were carried out using a valid and reliable anxiety scale before and after the intervention to assess changes in anxiety symptoms. The results showed that AR therapy significantly reduced anxiety levels in participants in the experimental group compared to the control group. Participants who underwent AR therapy reported increased tolerance for previously fear-inducing situations, as well as improvements in their daily quality of life. In conclusion, the use of AR in phobia therapy offers an innovative and effective approach to reducing anxiety symptoms in phobia sufferers. By creating a controlled virtual environment, AR facilitates safe and scalable exposure to therapy for patients, overcoming some of the barriers that exist in conventional therapy. The clinical implications and potential further application of this technology in clinical practice need to be further investigated to maximize its benefits in the management of anxiety disorders.</p> Onny Fransinata Anggara, Diana Rahmasari, Siti Ina Savira, Damajanti Kusuma Dewi, Meita Santi Budiani, Satiningsih Satiningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Onny Fransinata Anggara, Diana Rahmasari, Siti Ina Savira, Damajanti Kusuma Dewi, Meita Santi Budiani, Satiningsih Satiningsih Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:36:26 +0000 Improving Students' Faith and Taqwa by Memorizing the Qur'an Using the Murojaah Method in Kindergarten B Class <p>The Quran is the holy book of Muslims, the Quran memorization program is one of the breakthrough programs used by educators referring to the six scopes of early childhood development, one of which is the moral and religious aspects. This research uses qualitative research. This study focuses on strengthening the ability to memorize the Qur'an through habituation of muroja'ah students at Tk Aisyiyah 1 Candi Memorizing the Qur'an using the murojaah method at Tk Aisyiyah 1 Candi aims to produce a Quranic generation. Therefore, memorizing the Qur'an is used as one of the superior programs that is adjusted to the vision and mission of Tk Aisyiyah 1 Candi. Why does Tk Aisyiyah use the murojaah method because it is one of the determinants of success in memorization. The class teacher applies the murojaah method by repeating the previous verse and continuing the next verse by reading Surah An-Naba verses 10-15 and repeating verses 5-10, after listening students are asked to repeat the reading one by one Implementation of the muraja'ah method by using the muraja'ah memorization deposit program to the teacher to make it easier for students to maintain memorization of the Qur'an so that it is not easy for students to forget it. The implementation of this muraja'ah method can be done anytime and anywhere, because the process of implementing this muraja'ah method is not bound by time as long as there is a will.</p> Evie Destiana, Adelia Anandra Aviola, Salwa Taufiq, Yovana Enanda Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 Evie Destiana, Adelia Anandra Aviola, Salwa Taufiq, Yovana Enanda Rahayu Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementing Discipline for Early Childhood: Strategies and Teacher Roles <p>Discipline is one of the characters that needs to be applied from an early age, especially by parents. The fact is that there are still many parents who do not understand and are moved to apply disciplinary behavior to their children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of teachers in optimizing the development of discipline application from early childhood. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of research used, namely descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation and documentation methods. Sources of research data are the principal, 1 assistant teacher or companion teacher 2 and 68 students. The researcher is the core instrument in the research and uses supporting instruments in the form of interview guidelines, observation guidelines. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis from Miles &amp; Huberman using an interactive model. The results showed that the teacher's role in children's discipline is as a good role model for children, teachers as educators and mentors by introducing and familiarizing children with discipline in everyday life, and teachers as evaluators. The teacher's efforts in implementing discipline are exemplary, habituation, and using reward and punishment methods. Factors that hinder teachers in implementing children's disciplinary attitudes are external factors, namely family, community environment, internal factors of hyperactive or tantrum children's attitudes. The supporting factor is the role of parents who are willing to cooperate well in developing their children's disciplinary attitudes. It can be concluded that teachers have an important role in shaping student discipline at school.</p> Evie Destiana, Yuni Anggraeni, Endang Fatmala, Andini Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Evie Destiana, Yuni Anggraeni, Endang Fatmala, Andini Wulandari Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Inclusive Education at Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Elementary School in Implementing the Independent Curriculum P5 Program <p>This research aims to evaluate the implementation of inclusive education at the Muhammadiyah 1 Krian elementary school in the Implementation Program of the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project in the Independent Curriculum. The Merdeka Curriculum, which emphasizes flexibility and developing students' individual potential, includes P5 as an effort to shape students' character and competencies according to Pancasila values. Inclusive education focuses on engaging all students, including those with special needs, in the same learning activities. The research method used was qualitative with a case study approach at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian which implemented P5. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with teachers, school principals and observation of P5 activities. The research results show that the implementation of inclusive education in the P5 program faces a number of challenges, such as a lack of special training for teachers, limited resources, and a lack of understanding of students' special needs. However, this research also found opportunities including increased student engagement, development of social and emotional skills, and a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all students. In conclusion, despite the obstacles, the P5 program in the Merdeka Curriculum has great potential to support inclusive education at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian, provided there is adequate training policy support for educators, and active participation from all stakeholders. Inclusive education in elementary schools has challenges that must be faced, but it also provides opportunities to create a more inclusive environment and develop the potential of students with special needs. Continuous efforts are needed from all relevant parties to create a more inclusive education system and provide equal opportunities for all students to achieve quality education.</p> Feri Tirtoni, Amelia Puja Novianti, Amalia Qurrotul A’yun, Riswanda Apri Pramila, Amalia Habibah Eka Nur Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Feri Tirtoni, Amelia Puja Novianti, Amalia Qurrotul A’yun, Riswanda Apri Pramila, Amalia Habibah Eka Nur Putri Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:39:35 +0000 The Role of Teacher Interaction and Self-Directed Learning on High School Students' Online Learning Satisfaction <p><em>The aim of this study is to examine how high school students' satisfaction with online learning is impacted by instructor involvement and self-directed learning. A quantitative methodology was employed, involving 340 pupils from five different Surabaya schools. Random cluster sampling with stratified sampling was the method used. The learner-instructor interaction questionnaire by Kang and Im (2014), the student satisfaction with online learning scale adopted from Dziuban et al. (2015), and the self-rating scale of self-directed learning derived from Sulasiwi et al. (2019) are the measuring tools used in this research. With a value (R Square) of 0.401, the regression test results indicate that student satisfaction with online learning is significantly influenced by both teacher interaction and self-directed learning. Self-directed learning provided 0.233 and instructor interaction contributed 0.454, respectively, to the total. Teachers should be able to acquire excellent communication skills in this way in order to teach. In addition, counseling sessions are held for students to help them become self-sufficient in their online education. It is well established that students who engage positively with teachers and who possess strong self-directed learning skills would be more satisfied with their online education, which leads to in online learning success.</em></p> Maulana Arif Muhibbin, Primatia Yogi Wulandari , Danan Satrio W Copyright (c) 2024 Maulana Arif Muhibbin, Primatia Yogi Wulandari , Danan Satrio W Tue, 23 Jul 2024 01:30:07 +0000 Educational Management Analysis Of The Quality Of Primary School Education In Sidoarjo City <p>This research article aims to guarantee high quality and fair education. System Theory, this study aims to identify effective education management practices in urban primary schools Sidoarjo.This research is carried out using data compiled and analyzed using a qualitative research model Case Studies. The results show that education management has a positive impact on high-quality education in city schools.The subject of this study is the management of the Basic School of Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo. The results of this research show that internet facilities have a positive effect on quality education, their absence undermines the quality of education in city schools. In addition, it is suggested that the Ministry of Education should arrange professional training for the head of school and teachers to improve their monitoring and supervision strategies.</p> Cindy Cinthiya Deramerisca Asmoro , Della Barokah Sari, Jihan Ilmia Aulia, Mahardika Darmawan Kusum Wardhana Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Cinthiya Deramerisca Asmoro , Della Barokah Sari, Jihan Ilmia Aulia, Mahardika Darmawan Kusum Wardhana Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Student Literacy With the “Go to Mier” and Reading Corner Program at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Wage <p>This article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the "Go to Mier" and "Reading Corner" programs in improving student literacy progress at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Wage. By using a combination of observation methods, and interviews. Data were obtained from student participation in both programs. Data analysis revealed that the "Go to Mier" program successfully increased students' access to reading materials and broadened their reading interest. . On the other hand, the "Reading Corner" creates an environment that stimulates students' reading interest in school. These findings have important implications for SD Muhammadiyah 3 Wage and other schools in the development of effective literacy programs. Recommendations for future program improvements include increasing the book collection, counseling, and training to school staff. For the implementation of the program in other schools, adaptation to the local context, active involvement of students, And cooperation with external parties is highly recommended. Thus, these measures are expected to make a significant contribution in improving student literacy and creating a stimulating learning environment in schools.</p> Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Dewi Kirana Putri Arumdani, Alvina Rizky Dwi Anggraeni, Wulan Dwi Septiani, Everyana Frienansia Farahdiba Copyright (c) 2024 Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Dewi Kirana Putri Arumdani, Alvina Rizky Dwi Anggraeni, Wulan Dwi Septiani, Everyana Frienansia Farahdiba Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social Support as a Coping Mechanism for Fatherless Adolescents <p>Family is a place where children get affection and develop. In order to grow well, children need affection from their mother and father. In reality, there are families that do not get the role of father, which is called fatherless. The condition of fatherless has an impact on themself. In order for the impact not interfere with their activities, children need to make various efforts called coping strategies. To get a adaptive coping strategy, it is necessary to have supportive social support. This study is a qualitative research conducted on two adolescents and the goal is to find out how the role of social support with coping mechanisms that arise in children who experience fatherlessness. The result of this study was that participants carried out emotion-focused coping with a lot of influence by social support.</p> Diana Rahmasari, Tasya Saecarya Rachmawati, Ira Darmawanti, Mimbar Oktaviana Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Rahmasari, Tasya Saecarya Rachmawati, Ira Darmawanti, Mimbar Oktaviana Tue, 23 Jul 2024 03:38:34 +0000 Developmental Patterns of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder at General Hospital Of Bondowoso District <p>This article discusses the development of a 5-year-old child with mild Autism Spectrum Disorder at General Hospital of Bondowoso District. The study aims to explore the child's developmental, daily challenges faced by a child with ASD, and the therapies implemented. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data collection in this study used documentation, direct observation of the subject and interviews with the subject’s parents. The result shows an explanation of the symptoms that emerge during the subject's developmental stages. The subject shows delayed speech development, difficulty in forming long sentences, limited social skills, unable to stay still and often moving actively, as well as poor fine motor skills. Additionally, the subject also shows improvement or a prognosis towards a better outcome during therapy.</p> Elsa Zahrotun Nisa, Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Elsa Zahrotun Nisa, Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Generation Z: Profile of Psychological Capital in Students <p>Generation Z is the population that dominates the Indonesian population who are currently entering the world of work or are preparing to enter the world of work. Gen Z has different characteristics, especially lower psychological vulnerability than previous generations. One of the factors that influences individual work behavior is psychological capital. This research aims to obtain an overview of the psychological capital of Gen Z in students who are currently studying at university. The method used was a quantitative approach involving 124 students at Faculty X. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling . The instrument used in this research uses a psychological capital scale with four dimensions, namely hope, optimism, self-efficacy and resilience which Platania and Paolillo have, which consists of 12 question items. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis with the help of Jamovi . Based on the results of the descriptive test, it is known that the psychological capital of Gen Z students at Faculty X is in the low category. This means that students tend to lack self-confidence, do not have definite goals and how to achieve these goals and in completing assignments and when they experience failure they tend to have difficulty getting back up</p> Januariya Laili, Ria Wiyatfi Linsiya Copyright (c) 2024 Januariya Laili, Ria Wiyatfi Linsiya Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Religius Character of Islamic Full Day School Students <p>This research aims to determine the analysis of the religious character of Islamic-based full day school elementary school students at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan. This research uses a field research method with a qualitative approach. The research carried out three stages when collecting data, namely observation from the results of observations carried out, collecting school data obtained from interviews with one of the teachers and also interviews conducted with the principal at the elementary school. . The research was conducted on 29 April 2024 - 03 May 2024. SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan has a superior program that supports students' religious character in accordance with the school's vision and mission. Implementation of the school's vision and mission with various activities. The school gives appreciation to students who have become tahfidz of the Qur'an juz 30. The cultivation of religious character in students has been implemented since grade 1 and will continue to be developed until grade 6. Various activities are carried out by the school to instill religious character in students. In cultivating a religious character, of course there are supporting and inhibiting factors and factors that influence internally and externally.</p> Khusnia Indra Pura, Aprilia Dita Maliana, Dian Shafira Ilmi, Nazila Aulia Rahma, Novi sinta Febriyanti, Enik Setiyawati Copyright (c) 2024 Khusnia Indra Pura, Aprilia Dita Maliana, Dian Shafira Ilmi, Nazila Aulia Rahma, Novi sinta Febriyanti, Enik Setiyawati Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Conformity in the Comfort of Anonymity: A Study on Derogatory Behavior in Social Media <p>This research aims to explore how anonymity impacts derogatory behavior among social media users. Through a qualitative method, this study analyzes the behavior of individuals during face-to-face interactions compared to when they use anonymous accounts o social media. The findings indicate that while participants generally behave politely in face-to-face interactions, they frequently adopt and reinforce negative group behaviors on social media when using anonymous accounts. This demonstrates that anonymity strengthens group conformity, leading to negative behavior on social media. This research reveals that anonymity often serves as a shield, enabling individuals to dissociate their online actions from their real-world identities and consequences, thus exacerbating irresponsible behaviors. The study suggests the importance of netiquette and the development of strategies to reduce online anonymity, which are crucial for fostering more responsible interactions on social media.</p> Kurrota Aini Copyright (c) 2024 Kurrota Aini Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Child-Friendly Schools in the Success of Character Programs in the Independent Curriculum in Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Elementary Schools <p>The implementation of the free curriculum at the muhammadiyah elementary school has been done with the purpose of strengthening character education through the pancasila student profile. The 1 krian elementary school for muhammadiyah has adopted the islamic and bilingual concept of a friendly school for children. The study USES a phenomenon's qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis technique using miles &amp; huberman interactive model analysis. The implementation of free curriculum at the muhammadiyah primary school continues to strive to achieve the primary purpose of the curriculum implementation, which is to strengthen character education through the pancasila student profile. In application, however, it is clear that challenges cannot be ignored. Implementation of the child-friendly school concept in the Character Elementary School (SD) program in the Independent Curriculum is important to improve children's personality learning. Child-friendly schools create safe, peaceful and enjoyable areas, which pay attention to children's physical, psychological, social and intellectual needs. This can increase children's self-confidence, empathy, social skills, learning motivation, and active participation in school activities.</p> Feri Tirtoni, Risma Inayatur Amaliyah, Titah Pinasthi, Risqina Mubarokah, Diva Nur Sabillah Putri, Melina Rosalinda Copyright (c) 2024 Feri Tirtoni, Risma Inayatur Amaliyah, Titah Pinasthi, Risqina Mubarokah, Diva Nur Sabillah Putri, Melina Rosalinda Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:24:37 +0000 Case Study of Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) in A 3 Year Old Child <p>The aim of this research is to thoroughly understand cases of speech sound disorder that occur in children aged 3 years. The subjects in this study were children aged 3 years who had been diagnosed with speech sound disorder (SSD) and did not have neurological disorders or other developmental disorders. This research is qualitative research using a case study approach. Direct observation and interviews are used to collect research data which will then be analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The results of this study show that the speech sound disorder (SSD) experienced by the subject occurred due to many factors starting from when she was still in the womb, the mother's mental health during pregnancy, as well as a lack of stimulus and interaction with the family. The use of gadgets as an alternative when children experience emotional problems or tantrums is also the cause of speech sound disorder (SSD) in children. It is hoped that consistent provision of therapies such as Play Therapy and Core Vocabulary Therapy will be able to help increase the amount of vocabulary in children with speech sound disorder (SSD).</p> M. Afief Alfatih, Mimbar Oktaviana, Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri Copyright (c) 2024 M. Afief Alfatih, Mimbar Oktaviana, Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Analysis of School Climate at An Islamic Junior High School in Indonesia <p>People can develop their skills, realize their full potential, and acquire the knowledge they need to achieve their goals in life through education. School climate as one of the components of education can affect the students’ academic success. The study aims at examining the implementation of physical dimension as one of the school climate aspects in one of the Islamic Junior High School in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. The present study utilizes descriptive qualitative research design by using observation and interview as the research instuments. The results of the study show that the school has implemented clearly stated policies, consistent and unambiguous consequences for violations, and a sense of physical safety within the school. It provides a strong foundation for positive learning and interaction, so that students feel comfortable and safe at schools. Therefore, it leads to positive students' learning experiences as well as the atmosphere and culture of the school.</p> Nindina Julita Putri, Uswatun Hasanah, Mutia Annisa, Dian Novita Copyright (c) 2024 Nindina Julita Putri, Uswatun Hasanah, Mutia Annisa, Dian Novita Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Character-Based Curriculum Development Strategy for Education Units in Elementery Schools <p>This research examines character-based curriculum development strategies in elementary schools. The applied research approach includes document analysis, observation, and in-depth interviews with teachers and decision makers in the education sector. This research shows that integrating a character-based curriculum can not only improve academic achievement, but also improve students’ moral and ethical values. Implementing this strategy requires full support from all stakeholders, including teacher training and professional development. These results highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach to curriculum development that focuses not only on cognitive aspects but also on student personality development.</p> Ahmad Nurefendi Fradana, Arinda Salsabila Putri, Nur Fikah Afi Aulia, Haidar Amalia, Risha Dwi Nur Laily Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Nurefendi Fradana, Arinda Salsabila Putri, Nur Fikah Afi Aulia, Haidar Amalia, Risha Dwi Nur Laily Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fostering The Use of English in The School Environment, A Case Study at A State High School in East Java <p>At the Senior High School level, English language competence becomes increasingly vital, particularly in the face of globalization issues. English in school is not only a classroom subject; it is also a means of communication skill. These two factors are critical for developing students' character and preparing them for either further education or entry into the highly competitive workforce. This study was conducted at a state high school in East Java, aiming to study the role of the school in the use of English in the school environment. It was found that the environment, the curriculum, and the roles of teachers as well as the students are interrelated in supporting the use of English in the school environment. It is intended that these systems will reinforce one another, promoting harmony in the classroom and the teaching and learning process.</p> Wahyu Taufiq, Pasya Tamara, Gita Sujarwo, Calista Nabhila, Rafli Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Taufiq, Pasya Tamara, Gita Sujarwo, Calista Nabhila, Rafli Firdaus Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:33:34 +0000 Effectiveness of The International Class Learning Program For Students of SD Muhammadiyah 3 IKROM <p>The School Field Introduction Program is an assignment activity to students to implement learning outcomes through observation of the learning process in schools or educational institutions. The activity program aims to improve knowledge and expertise for students and provide teacher mentoring experience at the elementary school level and strengthen educational academic competencies for PGSD study program students. The research methodology used is observation, data collection techniques carried out through observation accompanied by various recordings of conditions and objects in the field. This program was carried out for 1 week at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Ikrom. The results obtained that in the school there is a special class, namely ICP (International Class Program), that students who are included in the learning program must pass a selection process. In the learning process students are accustomed to communicating using English and there are learning methods to make it easier for students to develop their ability to master the English language.&nbsp;</p> Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Berlian Ayu Tikasar, Kharisma Putri Andini, Nazrotul Ummah, Salsabila Bulqis Savira Copyright (c) 2024 Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Berlian Ayu Tikasar, Kharisma Putri Andini, Nazrotul Ummah, Salsabila Bulqis Savira Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing English Learning through Teacher-Facilitated Study Groups: A Qualitive Study in Senior High School Level <p>This study explores the role of teachers in facilitating English learning through group study, emphasizing that teachers are pivotal in shaping students' abilities. Group learning techniques enhance engagement and teamwork, fostering a dynamic classroom environment that promotes academic, social, and cognitive growth. This qualitative research, conducted with thirty students from SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo's classes X1–5 and their English teachers during the 2023/2024 academic year, employed observations and interviews to gather insights. The study focused on cooperative learning and study groups to enhance classroom speaking activities. Findings revealed that the group learning approach, led by teachers, significantly improved students' English speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension skills. Active participation in study groups boosted students' motivation, critical thinking, and social skills, such as respect for differing viewpoints, cooperation, and communication. Teachers' individual feedback during group exercises allowed for precise assessment of students' progress. Overall, the study underscored the importance of effective strategies like group learning in fostering comprehensive English language skills thinking. It also opens up opportunities both academically and professionally, as most scholarly articles are written in English, providing access to a broader range of research and information. Overall, learning English is essential for success in today's interconnected world. English is a highly sought-after skill in the job market due to its role in multinational corporations and communication with diverse cultural backgrounds. Learning English is a holistic development tool that boosts cognitive abilities, personal, academic, and professional growth. Classroom teachers prioritize memorization over critical thinking, while exposure to English- language media enriches personal experiences and deepens connections to the global community. Students who achieve proficiency in English can tap into these resources for further learning.</p> Yuli Astutik, Yuni Lusiana Dewi, Auliyah Nur Fadhilah, Shinta Widiowati Suyoto, Ava Kenji Ahsan Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Astutik, Yuni Lusiana Dewi, Auliyah Nur Fadhilah, Shinta Widiowati Suyoto, Ava Kenji Ahsan Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efforts of the Pre-Marital Education Program in Enhancing Family Resilience by the Office of Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning of Surabaya City <p>The high divorce rate is generally caused by several factors, including early marriage, economic issues, differences in perspectives, domestic violence, or even gender inequality. To address this, the Surabaya city government requires its citizens to attend premarital education classes as one of the prerequisites for marriage. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of premarital education classes organized by the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning (DP3APPKB) in reducing the divorce rate in Surabaya. A qualitative method was used in this study, with observation and interviews with participants and employees as data collection techniques. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the premarital education class program contributes to reducing the divorce rate in Surabaya. This is because the premarital education class program provides four learning materials that can be used to build family resilience</p> Della Juana Sukma, Siti Jaroah Copyright (c) 2024 Della Juana Sukma, Siti Jaroah Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Learning Enthusiasm Through School Culture in Elementary Schools <p>This study discusses the school culture in elementary schools to increase the enthusiasm for learning, school culture in elementary schools also plays a crucial role in forming a conducive learning environment and supporting student development. This culture includes values, norms, and practices that are upheld by all school members, including students, teachers, and administrative staff. This study aims to identify and analyze the main elements of school culture in elementary schools and their impact on the quality of learning and character development of students. School culture has a very important role in increasing the enthusiasm for learning of students in elementary schools. However, there are still few studies that use experimental methods to examine the influence of school culture on the enthusiasm for learning of students in elementary schools. Therefore, this study aims to examine the influence of school culture on increasing the enthusiasm for learning of students in elementary school.</p> Vevy Liansari, Ayu Rahmawati, Lovevita Junia, Marisca Putri Aulia, Riya Rismawati Copyright (c) 2024 Vevy Liansari, Ayu Rahmawati, Lovevita Junia, Marisca Putri Aulia, Riya Rismawati Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Character Education Through Learning Scope in Elementary School <p>This study discusses the character education of elementary school students through the scope of learning to develop an understanding of character. The main problem faced is the lack of integration and consistency in the implementation of character education in elementary schools, as well as minimal support from parents and the community. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the curriculum, learning methods, and other factors contribute to the development of student character. The research method used is a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques in the form of participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies of the curriculum and teaching materials. The research results show that the integration of character values in the curriculum, the use of student-centered learning methods, and evaluations that consider character development can improve students' understanding and development of character. The discussion reveals that internal factors such as motivation and emotional intelligence, as well as external factors such as family, school and community environments, play an important role in forming students' character. However, obstacles such as lack of consistency in implementation and minimal parental support can hinder the effectiveness of character education. Proposed solutions include teacher training, transparent systems of rewards and consequences, and effective communication between schools and parents. In conclusion, character education in elementary schools requires strong integration in the curriculum and support from all related parties to create an environment that supports the development of positive character in students.</p> Vevy Liansari, Cindy Safrina Az Zahra, Ilvi Nurdiana, Kharin Nur Rahma, Meilia Rifki Maulidyah Copyright (c) 2024 Vevy Liansari, Cindy Safrina Az Zahra, Ilvi Nurdiana, Kharin Nur Rahma, Meilia Rifki Maulidyah Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:35:05 +0000 Consumptive Behavior in Early Adult NCTzen (Descriptive Study: NCTzen Fans in Tangerang) <p>The spread of K-Pop is taking place rapidly around the world including in Indonesia. This has become a trend for young people, which can lead to consumptive behavior to buy things related to the idols they like. This study aims to determine the description of consumptive behavior in early adult NCTzen in Tangerang. The research method used in this study is the descriptive quantitative method. The subjects in the study amounted to 272 people with the criteria of NCT fans or NCTzen, aged 18-25 years, domiciled in Tangerang. The data collection technique used a questionnaire containing a consumptive behavior scale. The findings showed that consumptive behavior in early adult NCTzen in Tangerang showed a moderate category.</p> Yohana Wuri Satwika, Bella Indi Rahmawati Hafid, Dewi Fatma Wati Copyright (c) 2024 Yohana Wuri Satwika, Bella Indi Rahmawati Hafid, Dewi Fatma Wati Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:45:44 +0000 Storytelling before bed, is it still effective? <p>Bedtime storytelling is an oral tradition that has been passed down for generations. Many previous studies have found the benefits of storytelling, which is usually given to children at bedtime. Some of them are: (1) Fostering a proactive attitude; (2) Strengthening the relationship between parents and children; (3) Increasing knowledge; (4) Training concentration; (5) Increasing vocabulary; (6) Fostering interest in reading; (7) Triggering children's critical thinking; (8) Stimulating children's imagination, fantasy, and creativity; and (9) Providing lessons without seeming patronizing. However, behind the various benefits of bedtime storytelling, with the development of technology, especially media using the internet, the question arises, is bedtime storytelling still effective today? The purpose of this study is to find out whether storytelling before bed is effective for children. The research was conducted by distributing Questionnaires of Children's Activities Listening to Fairy Tales in the form of google forms. The results showed 139 respondents (90.3%) answered<br>yes, 13 respondents (8.4%) answered neutral, and 2 respondents (1.3%) answered no. Based on the results, it can be said that storytelling before bedtime is still effective. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that storytelling (before bed) is still effective, especially to improve children's language skills.</p> Yudho Bawono, Wasis Purwo Wibowo, Ar Liza Listiyana, Samsul Muarif, Puji Restu Aditya Copyright (c) 2024 Yudho Bawono, Wasis Purwo Wibowo, Ar Liza Listiyana, Samsul Muarif, Puji Restu Aditya Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Collaborative Observation of Interaction Between Educators and Prospective Educators <p>Collaborative interaction is a collaboration between experienced and aspiring educators to achieve a common educational goal, involving observation and reflection to understand and improve teaching strategies. Research at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan shows that this collaboration is effective in helping educators and prospective educators develop more effective teaching skills and methods, ultimately improving the quality of education. This research used qualitative methods with interviews, observation and documentation approaches. The aim was to improve collaboration through knowledge sharing and the development of innovative teaching strategies. Socialization of activities included initial meetings, information distribution, discussions and debriefings. Coordination with schools involved scheduling, use of facilities and division of tasks. Learner introductions are conducted so that prospective educators can interact with students. The implementation of collaboration uses active learning methods, with evaluation through data collection, analysis, report preparation, and presentation of results to improve the quality of education. The collaboration involves sharing tasks and responsibilities, as well as guidance from experienced educators, allowing prospective educators to learn classroom management, teaching strategies and how to handle classroom situations. This enhances the professional competence of future educators and enriches the teaching methods of experienced educators through the exchange of ideas. The use of technology and active learning methods also improves learner participation and learning outcomes. The results of this study provide practical guidance for better teacher training programs and more effective education policies, creating a dynamic learning environment, helping all parties develop and improving the overall quality of education.</p> Ceisya Or’yza Sevita, Nanda Eka Rahmaningsih, Vera Dwi Lestari, Nur Hendra Subekti, Enik Setiyawati Copyright (c) 2024 Ceisya Or’yza Sevita, Nanda Eka Rahmaningsih, Vera Dwi Lestari, Nur Hendra Subekti, Enik Setiyawati Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000