Vol. 4 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference On Innovation, Integration and Modern Education (ICIIIME 2022)

Formation of Trade Relations in the Fergana Valley (1920-1925)

Kayumova Feruzakhon
A Teacher at Fergana State University
Published April 26, 2022
How to Cite
Kayumova Feruzakhon. (2022). Formation of Trade Relations in the Fergana Valley (1920-1925). Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4, 30-32. https://doi.org/10.21070/pssh.v4i.102


The Fergana Valley was the largest, most populous and economically developed part of the Turkestan ASSR, consisting of Kokand, Andijan, Namangan, Margilan and Osh districts. Irrigated agriculture was developed in the Fergana region, and the industry of the region also specialized in the processing of agricultural products [1.1. 41-45 b.]. However, the Fergana Valley did not have ample opportunities for entrepreneurs active in the development of trade.