Pemberdayaan Perempuan Rawan Sosial Ekonomi Melalui Industri Ekonomi Kreatif “Sambar” di Desa Jimbar, Kecamatan Pracimantoro

  • Anis Dwi Lestari Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
  • Azka Zahrotun Nisa Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta
  • Aprilia Nurul Ma’rufah Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung
  • Eka Yuni Setyowati Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung
  • Enriawati Ika Dyah Saputri Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung
  • Fitria Nur Utami
  • Widia Nur Khasanah Universitas Diponegoro
  • Aprilia Susanti Universitas Diponegoro
  • Elysa Wahyu Purbondari Universitas Diponegoro
  • Galih Aprilia Wibowo Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Argyo Demartoto Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Keywords: Jimbar Village, empowerment, socio-economic vulnerable women, local potential, creative economy


The empowerment program aims to create a more independent society, especially women who are socio-economically vulnerable. Various obstacles such as limited education, skills, and the burden of household responsibilities that are delegated to women make it difficult to work in the public sphere. Seeing the current conditions, it is important for women to be empowered in the economic sector. This research was conducted in Jimbar Village, Pracimantoro, Wonogiri, Central Java with qualitative methods and a case study approach. Wonogiri Regency, especially Jimbar Village has abundant chili farming results. However, there are times when a fertile chili brings arid. Post-harvest constraints that often coincide with declining selling prices make chili farmers lose money. For these losses, innovation was born as a solution to overcome losses by exploiting the potential of chilies to be processed products for eating lexat, the typical chili sauce of Jimbar Village. Collaborating with the Jimbar Village PKK group, where a total of 96 cadres are spread across seven hamlets. The results showed that there was support from village officials to empower women, so that the confidence and enthusiasm of PKK women in Jimbar Village arose to establish an economic business. Through the empowerment program in Jimbar Village, several activities were carried out such as training in economic business skills, especially making durable Jimbar chili sauce by applying cleanliness, publication training using social media ranging from Tiktok, Instagram, and online shops such as Shopee.


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How to Cite
Lestari, A. D., Nisa, A. Z., Ma’rufah, A. N., Setyowati, E. Y., Saputri, E. I. D., Utami, F. N., Khasanah, W. N., Susanti, A., Purbondari, E. W., Wibowo, G. A., & Demartoto, A. (2022). Pemberdayaan Perempuan Rawan Sosial Ekonomi Melalui Industri Ekonomi Kreatif “Sambar” di Desa Jimbar, Kecamatan Pracimantoro. Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3, 142-147.