Vol. 1 (2021): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference On Intelectuals Global Responsibility (ICIGR 2020)

Analysis of Students' Critical Thinking Abilities Using The PDEODE Strategy in Terms of Cognitive Style Through Online Learning

Tabitha Sri Harteti Wulandari
Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban
Published January 30, 2021
  • Critical Thinking,
  • Cognitive Style
How to Cite
Wulandari, T. S. H. (2021). Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities Using The PDEODE Strategy in Terms of Cognitive Style Through Online Learning . Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1, 19-26. https://doi.org/10.21070/pssh.v1i.3


The  existence  of the  Covid-19   pandemic  in  2020  resulted  in  learning  being carried  out on-line.  However, critical  thinking  skills are still  honed in  the learning process. The  purpose  of this  study  was  to  obtain  a description of the  critical  thinking  skills  of students  of Mathematics  Education   2019,  PGRI  Ronggolawe   Tuban  University  in  the Environmental Knowledge  course  using the PDEODE  strategy on the Reflective cognitive style  and   Impulsive  cognitive   style.  This  type   of  research   is  descriptive  exploratory research, Data collection  techniques  used MFFf (Matching  Familiar  Figures  Test  (MFFT) and  critical  thinking   ability  tests.  The  research  subjects  were  12  students.  The  results showed  that:  1)  There were 5  students  with  a reflective cognitive style and 7 students  with an 9pulsive cognitive  style.  2) The average results of critical thinking  skills for all aspects of critical thinking  components  in the reflective cognitive  style group are:  40%  for high category    20%  for  moderate  category    40%  for  low  category   while  in  the  impulsive cognitive  style group: 28.6%  for high fJ.tegory   28.6%  for  medium  category,  and 42.8% for  low  category.  The conclusion   is  that the PDEODE  strategy can  be applied  in online learning  to empower  critical  thinking  ski! ls  in  terms of reflective  and impulsive cognitive styles.


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