Vol. 4 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference On Innovation, Integration and Modern Education (ICIIIME 2022)

Morphological Changes of the Spleen with Polypragmasia

Akmal Abdullaevich Saidov
Bukhara Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Uzbekistan
Published April 26, 2022
How to Cite
Akmal Abdullaevich Saidov. (2022). Morphological Changes of the Spleen with Polypragmasia. Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4, 23-24. https://doi.org/10.21070/pssh.v4i.99


The study was conducted on 100 white random-bred rats of newborns, three and six months old. Animals were taken out of the experiment at 3 months of age by instantaneous decapitation of animals under ether anesthesia. After opening the abdominal cavity, macroscopic changes in the spleen were studied. Using a caliper, the anatomical parameters of the extracted spleen were measured. The spleen was fixed in Carnoy's solution for further study. Treatment with no steroidal drugs showed damage to the lymphoid tissue of the spleen, structural changes in the pulp and a decrease in the mass of the spleen.