Increasing the Added Value of Water Clover (Marsilea Drummondii l.) in Wonosari Village, Mojokerto Regency into Cookies
Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Semanggi Air (Marsilea Drummondii l.) di Desa Wonosari Kabupaten Mojokerto menjadi Cookies
Water clover (Marsilea Drummondii L) is a type of fern that grows in lakes, swamps and rice fields.
Water clover has a very distinctive morphology, namely the shape of a leaf that resembles an umbrella composed
of four opposite leaf petals (Nurjanah et al, 2012: Afriastini 2003). Water clover contains phytochemicals in the
form of reducing sugars, steroids, carbohydrates, and flavonoids (Jacoeb et al, 2010), antioxidants (Nurjanah et
al, 2012). In addition, water clover has a moisture content of 82.59%, ash 1.72%, protein 1.91%, fat 0.36%,
carbohydrates 11.46%, and crude fiber 1.96% (Nurjanah et al, 2012) . In the Mojokerto area, precisely in Wonosari
Village, Ngoro District, Mojokerto Regency, it is also famous for clover which is usually processed into clover
pecel. Pecel clover is usually sold in one of the tours owned by the village, namely Sumber Dhuwur. Therefore,
after we know that water clover is a functional food and so that clover has added value for sale, we make an
innovation. This water clover will be used as Cookies. From this innovation, it is hoped that people will be more
interested in buying products from clover and sellers will increase their income
Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kiki Candra Puspitasari, Alshaf Pebrianggara, Hindarto, Imroatus Sholikhah, Alfa Ni’mah

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